Alex Bellini, MBA

Aurora Capital Alliance
Managing Partner
[email protected]
(619) 595-4832

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Mr. Bellini is Director of Advanced Financial Structures at Aurora Capital Alliance. As such, he is integral in the implementation of Aurora Capital’s premium finance program – from insurance carrier integration to assisting banks in implementing Aurora’s premium finance strategies. In addition, Mr. Bellini is a Consultant to Lenders and Life Insurance Carriers on Buy/Sell funding structures. He is a speaker for the Financial Planner’s Association, DOI educator and a CFP CE Board educator, teaching courses on Retaining Capital Through Premium Financing and Removing the Greed from Premium Financing – A Fee-Only Approach.

About Us: Aurora Capital Alliance is built upon a solid foundation of trusted advisors with decades of experience. Our proprietary software and planning concepts propel ACA to the leading edge of the industry, working with advisors across the nation. We are the only CFP Board CE instructors on Retaining Capital Through Premium Finance and the pioneers of the fee-only approach to life insurance premium finance.